Pioneer NFT
- What is Pioneer NFT Contract Address?
- What is Pioneer NFT?
- Can I Trade the Purchased Pioneer NFT?
- Can I Unstake the Staked Pioneer NFT?
- How can I claim rewards?
- How do I receive a staking reward?
- Considerations when depositing ISK into or withdrawing from an exchange.
- What is ISK Contract Address?
- What is the ISK?
- Can ISK be swapped to other Tokens?
- Do You Have Any Plans for ISK Airdrops?
- How Can I Send ISKs to the Exchange Wallet?
ISK Classic
Iskra Portal
- KYC/AML Verification Guide
- Is there a limit to the number of KYC verifications attempts?
- What is KYC and AML?
- How is the KYC done?
- Where do you get the prices for major tokens - ISK, KLAY and game tokens?
- Where does OTP verification applied to?
Iskra Wallet
- Can I change the Wallet Address (Wallet Account) connected with my Iskra account?
- What is 'Select Wallet'?
- Where can I purchase Base ETH?
- Are There Any Fees for Receive and Send?
- Can I change my Wallet Provider and how do I do it?
- Can I change my wallet provider and how do I do it?
Iskra Quest Wall
- How do I participate in quests on Quest Wall?
- What is Quest Wall?
- Can I complete the same quest multiple times?
- What are the quests, rewards, and how do I know my quest status?
- What are the rewards for Quest Wall quests?
- What happens if I encounter issues with Quest Wall quests or rewards?
Iskra Arcade
- [The Beacon Series] Participation guide
- How do I participate in Series Quests?
- How do I participate in On chain Daily Quests?
- How do I earn Referral Score?
- Detailed guide for participating in a Frontier Test.
- [Onchain Summer Event] Juice Pack NFT transfer guide
Iskra Swap
- Do I need to pay for a Gas Fee when using the swap?
- How are Swap Fees structured? I want to learn more about the fees for using the service.
- How do I use Iskra Swap?
- I want to know how Iskra Swap works.
- What are the exchangeable tokens?
- What chain does Iskra Swap support?
Iskra Bridge
- I want to see more details about the bridge transaction.
- Can I check the transaction ID (TX ID) for each chain that took place on the bridge?
- Do I need to pay for a Gas Fee when using the bridge?
- How are Bridge Fees structured? I want to learn more about the fees for using the service.
- How do I use Iskra Bridge?
- I have completed the bridging, only to find out that my tokens were deducted without any tokens on the destination chain.
ISK Converter
Iskra Market
- What is ISKRA Market?
- 'Information Required' alert is displayed.
- 'Out of balance' alert is displayed.
- Are the NFTs exchangeable or refundable?
- Can I sell NFTs I had purchased to others?
- Does quantity of an NFT change?
Iskra Launchpad
- Launchpad Participation Guide
- What is Iskra Launchpad?
- What makes Iskra Launchpad special from other Launchpads? Why should I participate in an IGO on Iskra Launchpad?
- Are refunds available?
- Are there any requirements to participate in the IGO?
- How are the terms, quantities and schedule for game token IGO determined?
Express Token
- Stake and Unstake Guide
- What are the Benefits of ISK Governance Staking?
- What is ISK Governance Staking?
- Does Iskra Staking guarantee profits?
- How can I stake ISK?
- How do I unstake?
- What is sISK Contract Address?
- What is sISK?
- Can I transfer sISK to other wallet?
- How can I add Base-based sISK token at Metamask
- How many sISKs are there in total?
- I've Sent sISK to Wallet on Exchange but I Can't Seem to Find it.
Iskra Governance
- How is voting power calculated?
- What is Iskra Governance?
- How are decisions enforced?
- How does Iskra Governance Work?
- How does the governance system evolve over time, and what is the process for updating or changing the governance structure itself?
- How is transparency ensured in the governance process, and what information is shared with the community?
Community Tier System
- What is a Contribution Point (CP)?
- What is Iskra Community Tier System?
- How are tiers set?
- How can I receive the rewards?
- How much CP do I need to earn to be a certain tier?
- I don't have a tier, how do I get one?
Daily Lucky Spin
- By when do I need to redeem prizes?
- Can I get rewarded multiple times if I complete multiple sets?
- Can I still use the cards collected in this round for the next round?
- How do I redeem prizes?
- How many times can I spin the roulette a day?
- I did not receive the prize I won. How can I receive it?